Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dental crisis hits the TV News

The lead story on the Channel 7 News at 6.00 pm tonight was about the dental crisis around Australia.

The story noted that "The federal government remains unmoved that dental care is the responsibility of the states despite a damning poll which shows 650,000 Australians are on waiting lists."

It also reported that "opposition spokeswoman Julia Gillard said Labor would reintroduce a national dental health program if elected to government".

The next federal election cannot be held before 4 August 2007, but the Victorian election is scheduled for 25 November 2006. Candidates in the Victorian election have the opportunity to make a positive move now to significantly reduce waiting lists.
Send a message to your MP or the Victorian Minster for Health calling on them to do more for patients waiting unreasonably long for dental care at